Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Necessity of an Enemy by Ron Carpenter Jr.

The Necessity of an Enemy by Ron Carpenter Jr.

"How the battle you face is your best opportunity."
This book is not just about how to defeat your enemies and properly put into perspective the adversaries you encounter in your life.  More than that, this book will bring you a message of hope.  If you need encouragement about our misfortunes are positioning you to receive a divine blessing.  "With God three is no pain without pain."
Important to know is that the book was written in the fall of 2011, during the worst economic climate of our lifetimes.  What began as a downhill spiral in our economic times in 2008, began a divine book written by Ron Carpenter Jr.
I am not sure why I read this book at this particular time of my life other than I am on a path of transition in my career.  I am going back to my Christian books to stay grounded on God’s words.
I am seeking an understanding of how God uses people coming against us and situation s hat are very negative can change everything.  The author, Ron, wrote this book after the FBI put him under investigation for possible criminal activity.  He asked himself, "How did I end up here?  Why is this happening to me?"
Here are some notes I took to remember:
In your time of transition your enemies are your stepstools.  Enemies are indicators to you that God is planning movement in your life and transition is right around the corner.  Your enemy will show up in the form of:
A person
A mindset
A situation
The enemy is the issue, between you that may be driving you crazy!  Fight the problem not the person.
You go through pain for the sake of promotion.  If you ever discover what people hate about you then will discover what is valuable about you.  Talk about thought provoking.
If someone like peace, they will withdrawal from conflict.
If a person wants security, the will get upset when changes happen.
Anywhere there is disappointment, you will find a root of false expectation for something to produce what is was not designed to produce. 
Someone is expecting something that goes against the grain of the other person’s nature. 

An enemy is someone who increase, strengthen, encourage, or enables an area of weakness in you that God want to remove for your life to glorify him.  © 2014 Jackie Paulson

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